BAWI 2013 – Massa Lubrense (NA) – ITALY – The Art of Balanced Stones.
The Region Campania will give hospitality for the first time to the international meeting of balanced stones from october 13th to 20th 2013, with artists coming from all over the world.
The performances of these artists will be arranged on the nicest shores of the “Terra delle Sirene” – “Siren-land”.
The workshops will be alternated with guides visits, exhibitions, concerts and conferences.
Programme | |
sunday october 13th | welcome – inauguration of the exhibitions |
monday october 14th | excursion to Massa Lubrense |
tuesday october 15th | excursion on the Amalfi coast |
wednesday october 16th | 1st work day – Baia di Mitigliano |
thursday october 17th | excursion to Pompeii and Vesuvius (*) |
friday october 18th | 2nd work day – Marina del Cantone |
saturday october 19th | 3th work day – Marina della Lobra |
sunday october 20th | 4th work day – Baia di Ieranto |
(*) – entrance fees in Pompeii are euro 11,00 for person; for Vesuvius the cost is euro 8,00.
– The artists who want to partecipate, must fill the applications form (attached).
All the artists and their relatives will be put up by the hotel “Gocce di Capri” in Termini – Massa Lubrense, where we are worming to create “the Fortress of the Artists”.
The stay in the “Terra delle Sirene”, food, transfer and guides visits will be in part subsidized by the local authorities with a small contribut from the artist.
It has started the collection of founds that will give financing to the attending to the festival, so that their expenses will be lighter.
If someone wants to contribute to the cause, please address your donation to ‘conto PayPal’.
Please, indicate BAWI_ITALY_2013 for your donation.
Our organization is not for the same of gain, so please fill the application form to authorize the use of images and videos of the performances.
All our wormings days will be reported on the official site and on various local juornalistic head.
Futher informations or details will be published before the festival. Thanks.
A suggestion to all balancers: “Beware of the Mermaids!!! They are spiteful…!”
Mi chiamo Emilia abito a Pordenone (Friuli), sto valutando l’idea di partecipare alla manifestazione Bawi da non esperta, avrei bisogno di informazione relative alla prenotazione: costi hotel, come meglio raggiungere il luogo,(aereo e poi…) se la manifestazione e solo per esperti ed eventualmente anche sono la possibilità di partecipare il weekend, ho inviato anche un messaggio di richiesta tramite facebook grazie
bene…. scriva a Salvatore Donnarumma della FB per infromazioni più… sei tu con le pietre in equilibrio? inizare la